Baker’s Hands needs some comfort too

I love how my mom bakes delicious bread. You can even smell the bread around the whole block. We own a bake shop just a few blocks away from our house. It’s really satisfying. My mom used to be the chief baker but when she experienced sudden shots of pain in her hands every time it’s cold, my dad switched over. I know how my mom loves when she is kneading the dough and bake it into delicious, appetizing bread. And being not able to do it is somehow frustrating for her.

So I looked for a way to help her. I searched for some ways and have found out that there are some heated gloves that provide therapeutic healing to those suffering from arthritis. There are also some nutritious food that has to be taken and medications. I bought 2 pairs of those gloves: 1 for mom and the other for dad. I’m hopeful it will help. Yes, I know they cannot wear it while baking but they can use it most of the time. Even just to pamper their worn-out hands.

They use it. Mom wears it every day and she told me how relieving it is when she’s wearing those. Dad also gave a compliment regarding those gloves. They appreciated it.

After several days, mom said that she thinks she can bake again. And even if I tried to stop her, I cannot do anything. She said she wants to and that she’s getting worse if she’s not doing anything. So what am I supposed to do but to just watch her? She started baking again at home as I watch her. At first, she said it still hurts but as time pass by she’s getting better and better. She also takes her medication properly and eats nutritious food which the doctor advised. She also uses her heated gloves the whole day.

She’s getting better every day although sometimes she still complains. It’s really relieving when I see her baking. She looks really happy.