Driving Comfortably with my Heated Car Seat Cover

At any time of the year, I enjoy long drives because of the scenic view that my eyes can feast on before I get to my destination. Well, I enjoy long drives at any time of the year EXCEPT during winter. It is just far too cold for my taste. You see, I am the sun loving person so quite naturally, winter is not my favorite time of the year even though some people just love how the snow coats the landscape.

It just is not my scene. Anyway, there I was feeling board and stuck at home one winter day. I don’t really like being cooped up in one place for too long but again, its winter time so what choice do I have? Anyway, out of my boredom I went online and started looking for jackets to help keep me warm. I stumbled upon the website of PlusHeat and found something even better than a jacket – a heated car seat cover.

Initially, I thought, why would I need a heated car seat cover when my car has a built in heater? Then again, I remembered how I often get discouraged from doing long drives because my heater just cannot cope with the intense cold outside. Let us just say that being in my car is not enough for me to freeze but it is not enough for me to feel comfortably warm either. Anyway, I decided to give this heated car seat cover a shot and bought one.

I immediately placed it on my car and went out for a drive – well, a test drive rather. I just wanted to see if it works and I was very happy to discover that it does! The first thing I did was to come home and informed my sister that I will be dropping by her place and I’ll stay there for a couple of days. You see, it’s a pretty long drive to my sister’s house and so I wouldn’t dare drive all the way there if I knew that I would not be comfortable on the road. Thanks to Plusheat’s heated seat cover, I can see my sister on a winter!

PlusHeat’s heated seat cover works like a charm. Now I can feed my wanderlust even though it is cold and freezing outside because I can be comfortably warm inside my car.

List of Harmful Effects Due To Excessive Sitting and Its Remedy

Although most people know how harmful it is to sit for long hours every day, still, sitting remains something unavoidable. Just imagine a pie chart in front of you wherein you’ll list your activities per day. Then you’ll notice that after sleeping for 8 hours and working at the office for 8 hours also, you’ll find yourself sitting again in front of the television, reading or eating. If you’ll put color in your time spent sitting, you’ll probably set colors in 14 hours of it aside from the 8 hours you spend sleeping.

There are very minimal body movements in our daily routine. So it should not be a surprise if we experience such dangerous effects due to excessive sitting. Here are just some of those harmful effects:

Back pain. Sitting for long hours causes too much pressure on your lower back resulting to sudden pain which can last for few days up to weeks. This can be dangerous when not treated immediately. It can result to back bone damages or to some more serious health problems.

Obesity. Since sitting is a sedentary thing, you cannot expect your body to burn fat if you’re not moving a bit. To burn calories, the body must be in constant motion so if you’ll remain sitting the genes in charge of burning those fats will automatically slow down its job.

Improper posture. You might not notice your improper posture when you are too busy with your work. Flipping back and forth of your uncomfortable chair is just one way to refresh yourself and your body of that stressful work so changing your sitting positions once in a while might help stimulate good blood flow but it might not be helpful in your posture. You might find yourself slouching without noticing it.

Heart problem. This is because sitting hampers smooth blood circulation in your body. If the blood does not flow properly, it will result to leap of blood pressure and it will be tougher work for the heart plus the fact that sitting promotes cholesterol in the body.

Weaken immune system. The body needs ample amount of exercise to be healthy. The nutrients cannot smoothly flow in all parts of the body if the body is not at work. Thus resulting to weaken immune system, sickness and ailments.

Blood clots. As what we’ve stated earlier, it requires movement for the blood to flow smoothly in the body. Sitting might cause blood clots in the lower parts of the body which is dangerous when these blood clots reach the heart and lungs.

These effects are not just harmful so never take this for granted. These can be fatal based on studies.

After giving you this list of effects, we’ll then give you some remedies for this. Using heated seats or cushions can be a great help in this situation. This is recommended by health experts because cushions support the lower body from the weight of the upper body. Also the therapeutic heat stimulates smooth blood circulation that penetrates in all parts of the body. Aside from using heated seat cushion, take time to have a walk even after every hour and if possible, avoid sitting after office hours. If your house is just nearby, consider walking than riding home.

Use Your Cushion Even while Resting

Watching television, video game playing, reading newspaper while having a cup of coffee and some inactive stuff are things we usually enjoy during our leisure time. Obviously, who would like to go very active on a weekend after a 5-day continuous stressful work? Everyone would love taking their bodies to rest on a Saturday morning and of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. All of us need to rest, but who might have thought that even resting can bring harm to our body?

Oftentimes, we see vigorous activities are just the ones that can trigger danger to our body without thinking that we are most frequently inactive. Yet why do we still feel such body pains when we are just sitting the whole day? Research shows that sitting all day long brings a lot of health problems to our body. We gain weight, we slouch and we even suffer from back ache.

The sudden pain from your lower back, tailbone and butt, and the numbness of your thigh are just some of the warning signs telling you that you have already been sedentary for a long time. These pains can get worse and cause some injuries in your back if not prevented and what’s even more dangerous is that your spinal column can be affected. Being sedentary makes you lose your proper posture thus, you slouch. And another problem is that being still hinders the smooth flow of circulation of the oxygen in your body which is as we all know has a bad effect in our body. Now, how are you going to prevent this if it is inevitable to sit the whole day?

One thing would be to use a cushion over your seat. Its softness will give you the comfort of being on a couch. Aside from the comfort, a cushion has health benefits as well. A cushion will support your lower back from the weight of your upper body that causes the pain on your lower back, tailbone and butt. Since it supports your back, it also straightens your posture you are while sitting.

A cushion is really helpful in our daily lives even while we are resting. It gives us the comfort plus the protection against back injuries. So if you are required to sit for a couple of hours, even if you are just resting, a cushion is must-have. Since it is inexpensive, you can afford to have one. Why not, if it is for your own sake? Have your cushion even on your leisure time. You are resting as a reward for your tired body but even in your rest day, you have to watch over your body. Rest might be essential but do not let that rest cause injuries inside the body we are in. Have your cushion with you; protect yourself while enjoying a comfortable rest.