Capturing the Perfect Shot

When I was just 6 years old, if other toddlers were playing their toy guns and robots, what I do is to have a click on my camera. My parents noticed that I love it more than a usual kid’s stuff and so as Christmas gift, they bought me one. After several years, now I have reached my goal, becoming a wildlife photographer. But I won’t stop on that, I’m still on my way being a world-renown one. There’s just one problem I’m considering whenever I plan for a shoot. The only thing that hinders me in my years of experience is the cold weather whenever I go to various freezing places.

Just a year ago, we had an opportunity to go to Norway to shoot for some polar bears. I brought a lot of my thick jackets during the shoot while hiding in some icy, freezing to death places so that I won’t disturb them. I saw them from a distance and when I was about to take my perfect shot. Alas! I can’t move my arms! It was numb and I just didn’t get the perfect shot I wanted. I really regret that day. I had the perfect opportunity yet it just slipped away. I went home really disappointed.

Until in one forum with my fellow photographers, I told my friend about what had happened. My friend suggested me about heated jackets and so I checked for one online. I saw a site with heated gears and clothing. It was called and it was the first time I saw that website. They have heated jackets, vests and even insoles. And so I ordered and how I love it when I tried it! I was amazed so as to say.

Before I had this heated jacket, I was so limited, always in a nut-shell. This heated jacket is the perfect solution for my shaking problem. Now, I can go anywhere, anytime I want! In fact, I was planning to go back to Norway and get back to those polar bears. I’m confident now that I can have the perfect shot I missed back then a year ago.

When feeling cold wear Heated Base Layer

Can you feel the cool wind nowadays? It’s just a simple cue that winter is already approaching. Those people who cannot stand the freezing weather, most of them leave the state and go for a warmer place while some just try encaging themselves inside their house, near the fireplace. It’s just very comfortable when you are under your thick blankets inside your room. But winter season is supposed-to-be enjoyed. It is indeed Christmas time. So go outside and enjoy the snow and cool breeze! But if you really can’t stand the freezing weather, you may want to use a heated base layer.

It is much better than your huge and bulky jackets. It is as thin as shirt; you’ll forget you’re wearing one. It will warm you up by blocking the freezing temperature outside so it won’t go into you your body. Thus it protects your body from winter ailments, numbness and shivering. It has an adjustable temperature to suit your body’s needs. Resulting to uninterrupted blood circulation in your body enabling you to produce heat as much as the outside temperature decreases it.

The reason why you have to be active during cold days and fight your sluggish feeling is that, you have to help your body to produce heat. Shivering is just natural way of the body to produce heat for your body because if not you might lose your reflexes and mental functions due to extreme coldness. That’s why it is important to use heated apparels like heated base layers.

Aside from the protection against chill it gives, it is also a practical way to get rid of your old, bulky jackets. Admit it, it is very uneasy moving with those huge jackets. You have to carry additional weight because of those heavy jackets. When you go skiing, snowboarding or biking, you’ll surely do a lot better than you did before since you are already free from the baggage of winter clothes. Looking bulky is not and will not be an option anymore.

This heated base layer is made not just to keep you warm and comfortable but also to keep you in shape and looking good this cold season. It is offered in neutral colors so you can use this as your undershirt or just as it is. Mixing up colors is not a problem if you worry about that. Believe it or not, this heated base layer is a must-have this season.