Cancer-Curing Far Infrared Ray Heat Therapy

Far Infrared Ray treatment has recently been verified to have a place in curing cancer, and the challenge is finding a way to make it accessible for everyone.

Cancer is directly associated with cell division and those that don’t separate can’t become cancerous. Therefore, the carcinoma of the brain is slightly rare, though it can happen because of other brain cells that are supportive in function called the glial cells. These divided cells are usually the cause of malignant brain cancer.

Far Infrared Ray treatment prevents the unnecessary separation of cells to avoid the multiplying of active cancer cells.

The study was presented by a commended professor of medical oncology Dr. Rolf Issels, who practices his teaching at Klinikum Grosshadern at the College of Munich in Germany. According to the study, the number of cancer patients who positively reacted to their chemotherapy doubled on the addition of focused heat care (Far Infrared Ray heat therapy) to their set of treatments. Far Infrared Ray therapy is also the first treatment with the capacity to lengthen a patient’s survival in cancer without going under surgery. Dr. Issels adds that after three years of FIR treatment, about half (42%) are “less to experience a recurrence of their cancer”.

The doctor adds that the heat from FIR treatment kills the tumor cells and makes it more susceptible to chemotherapy. Far Infrared Ray therapy is more than just a cancer aid. It has the same capability to stimulate the body’s own healing force by locally enhancing the body’s temperature. FIR targeted heat can repair damaged muscles and tissues, making it an efficient treatment for wounds, working superbly for rehabilitating patients who suffer from post-injury chronic pain and discomfort. Far Infrared Ray heat therapy can increase the patient’s vitality and permit them to take part in other activities.

Recognizing and Treating Shoulder Injuries

During the summer season, there is an increase in the number of shoulder injury cases due to the many types of activities people engage in during this time. It’s the perfect season to go for a swim, play outdoor sports, hike and go mountain biking. The options are endless and there’s surely an exciting activity for every person.

A lot of people try to make the most out of the perfect, sunny weather. Although it’s a lot of fun, it posts a greater risk of injuring the shoulder blades and joints. Because of this, recognizing an injury and treating it properly is necessary to reduce the chances of needing invasive forms of shoulder pain relief now and in the future.

Shoulder injuries occur because the joints of the shoulders are part of practically all upper body motions. Hence, the main cause of shoulder problems is overuse and with that is a degree of micro trauma that may not be recognized right away. Although the damage may be small, it could accumulate so shoulder pain relief becomes necessary after some time. Continuous shoulder use during the painful stage may cause serious damage, turning the acute pain into chronic pain.

It is also possible for one strenuous incident to cause damage to the shoulder such as lifting something too heavy that may be compounded by poor lifting technique. It may not always be the intensity of the activity that cause shoulder pain but poor technique and execution. Hence, overuse and misuse of shoulder muscles may cause a person to look for shoulder pain relief because of the damage it causes.

These are some simple instructions one must keep in mind in case of a shoulder injury.

1. The rotator cuff is one of the most commonly injured shoulder structures. It is comprised of four muscles that envelope the joint for shoulder stability. Injuries in these ligaments often come with partial and complete shoulder dislocation.

2. For acute injuries, rest the shoulder and avoid movements that increase the pain. Apply cold therapy for 20 minutes a couple of times for two days.

3. When the pain has subsided, slowly try to stretch the shoulder using the uninjured arm.

4. Once shoulder movement and motion is back to normal by 75 percent in all directions, begin performing simple and not so strenuous exercises to strengthen the injured muscles.

5. Try doing specific functional activities that are similar to the activities normally performed. Initially do it without nay resistance and as the muscles get stronger, add resistance little by little as well as increase the difficulty level of the activity.

6. Apply Heat Therapy. Heat Therapy is the most popular and effective way to treat these chronic pains. It is even better when using heat therapy with Far Infrared Rays. Far Infrared Rays are known for its deep penetrating heat into the body which targets the source of pain.

Like people always say, prevention is better than cure. Although it is important to know how to treat shoulder injuries, it is also essential to form habits that will prevent it from ever occurring.

Far Infrared Rays for Wrist Pain

I may not be a professional badminton player but I must admit than I’m pretty good at it. Not only do I play regularly but I also trained a year ago so I was pretty sure that my technique was correct. I guess what I did wrong was I focused too much on the footwork that I didn’t focus on my wrist movement. After 7 years and 3 months of playing badminton, I started experiencing wrist pain. It started as a slight discomfort but got worse so I was forced to see my doctor.

Fortunately, I was told that it is not beyond repair. With heat therapy, Far Infrared Ray heat therapy to be exact, the heat penetrates deeper than regular heat products. It reaches the muscles and bones for effective pain relief. To add to the good news, FIRheat, the leading brand of Far Infrared Ray heat products, made sure that the therapy wraps are easy and safe to use. They’ve got one specifically designed for the wrist so it doesn’t fall off.

To all the badminton players suffering from wrist pain, don’t worry. FIRheat is available in the market to effectively and safely get rid of the pain.

Avoid Prescription Drugs and Stick To Heat Therapy for Back Pain

Back pain is a pestering ordeal to go through and some treatments may cause even more danger than the pain itself. Abusing on pain medication such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Morphine and Methadone has been a struggle for physicians, patients and drug regulators alike, and the number of emergency room visits related to pain meds overdose doubled over the past 2 years. With these statistics scaring the public off this type of back pain relief, how can one achieve a pain-free back without even trying pain meds?

The public is well aware of its consequences through different announcements and mediums. Even the lead character of the famous American television series House who’s a doctor struggles with his addiction to Vicodin, and his witty dementia is well displayed for its viewers to know the superficial effects of regular pain medication intake. As a caring citizen, it hurts to realize that this type of treatment is still widely administered to patients suffering from pain worldwide. To make matters worse, the deaths related to pain medicine overdose reach up to 13 million each year in America, and in every minute, 25,000 teenagers try to get high from ingesting these drugs for recreational purposes.

There is one form of remedy that can diminish this problem: the use of heat therapy. Heat therapy is administered through the use of therapy wraps, and it just recently got better with the innovation of Far Infrared Ray technology that makes the heat reach deep into the damaged back muscles and bones, unlike pain medications that perform internal physiological actions, such as alter the mood and affect the mental and emotional stability of the patient. Heat therapy is a great way to administer back pain relief at home, or anywhere without invasive surgeries and most importantly, without pharmaceutical aid.

Heat therapy is much efficient and definitely a safer choice compared to pain relief drugs. A 30-minute session will show significant results without being moody and prone to addiction. Before choosing any back pain relief product, consult your physician about it.

Far Infrared Rays: An Effective Method to Relieve Pain Caused by Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an ailment where the sideway curve of the spine gets affected. It looses it natural and normal arch and gets tilted towards left or right. When the shape of spine experiences major change, the rib cages also fears prominent deformity, known as scoliosis. The deformity in scoliosis is either structural or functional. Inherited deficiencies are the major reason of structural scoliosis.

In such cases, the vertebrae either has wedge shape or fused shape of ribs or vertebrae. This is primarily caused when a patient suffers from polio, paralysis, muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy. In Idiopathic scoliosis, male infants, juveniles or adolescents suffer from deformed spine.

The problem of scoliosis results in intense pain especially if the problem is compounded due to its severity. Some of the more problems that are the by-product of scoliosis are difficult breathing, fatigue and backache. Sometime scoliosis gets noticed in the initial years only and gets treated. In extreme cases, untreated problem of scoliosis results in lungs’ malfunctioning, back pain, spinal arthritis, disk displacement and pain in hips or thighs.

While intense pain caused due to scoliosis needs regular and proper medical care, pain during nominal spine deformities can be effectively treated with the help of infrared heat therapy. Back pain Infrared heat therapy gives immense benefits to the patient in one way or the other. They do not have to go through any regimen of bitter medication or some kind of invasive surgery. The patient can feel relieved by infrared heat and experience great comfort within no time.

Advantages of Far Infrared Heat Therapy for scoliosis Pain

The far infrared heat therapy is being widely referred by experts and used by affected people. It is becoming fast popular as an effective solution for various pains caused due to different reasons. Infrared heat is directed over the affected part of the body with rendering any harm to the surrounding area or body part. The heat directly reaches the targeted area without heating up the air around it.

The heat energy of the Infrared works over the painful body parts by increasing the basic temperatures, thus dilating muscles, tissues and minute capillaries. The application of this back pain heat therapy increases the blood flow and consequently giving relief to painful joints, tissues and muscles. The improved circulation of blood results in better supply of oxygenated blood towards depleted joints and muscles, relieving them of their pain.
One the striking benefits of infrared heat therapy is that it helps in expulsion of all waste and toxins out of body, making the metabolic rate of body get faster and effortless.

In the case of scoliosis, the infrared heat helps in stimulation of body’s immunity as well. It strengthens body’s cells, muscles and tissues also thus keeping them in better health. It is not that only patients can use far infrared therapy. Even the healthy individuals can take benefits of this innovative heat therapy to control their weight, beautify their skin and detoxification of their body system.