Cancer-Curing Far Infrared Ray Heat Therapy

Far Infrared Ray treatment has recently been verified to have a place in curing cancer, and the challenge is finding a way to make it accessible for everyone.

Cancer is directly associated with cell division and those that don’t separate can’t become cancerous. Therefore, the carcinoma of the brain is slightly rare, though it can happen because of other brain cells that are supportive in function called the glial cells. These divided cells are usually the cause of malignant brain cancer.

Far Infrared Ray treatment prevents the unnecessary separation of cells to avoid the multiplying of active cancer cells.

The study was presented by a commended professor of medical oncology Dr. Rolf Issels, who practices his teaching at Klinikum Grosshadern at the College of Munich in Germany. According to the study, the number of cancer patients who positively reacted to their chemotherapy doubled on the addition of focused heat care (Far Infrared Ray heat therapy) to their set of treatments. Far Infrared Ray therapy is also the first treatment with the capacity to lengthen a patient’s survival in cancer without going under surgery. Dr. Issels adds that after three years of FIR treatment, about half (42%) are “less to experience a recurrence of their cancer”.

The doctor adds that the heat from FIR treatment kills the tumor cells and makes it more susceptible to chemotherapy. Far Infrared Ray therapy is more than just a cancer aid. It has the same capability to stimulate the body’s own healing force by locally enhancing the body’s temperature. FIR targeted heat can repair damaged muscles and tissues, making it an efficient treatment for wounds, working superbly for rehabilitating patients who suffer from post-injury chronic pain and discomfort. Far Infrared Ray heat therapy can increase the patient’s vitality and permit them to take part in other activities.

Goodbye to Clumsy Hands Thanks to Plusheat’s Heated Gloves

What I totally despise about the ultra cold weather (we all know how unusually cold the climate is lately) is that it makes me so clumsy – most specially my hands. It is almost as if I do not have total control over it. I guess the chill is making my hands shake, making motor control hard. Besides, it becomes totally void of feeling so I don’t know if I am gripping something hard enough. Thanks to PlusHeat’s heated gloves, I can say goodbye to having clumsy hands.

Normally, people “bulk up” during winter time and by bulking up I mean they put layer after layer of clothes. Okay, it is not exactly the most flattering sight in the world but it does the job of keeping you warm. The problem with gloves is that you cannot really “bulk up” in that department. I mean, how many pairs of gloves can a person actually wear? You can’t exactly layer up on your gloves so that one that you are using must be warm enough to keep your hands comfortable.

The thing is, I have not exactly found the pair of gloves that will keep my hands nice, warm and cozy. I have tried all sorts of gloves with different materials but none of them worked as well as PlusHeat’s heated gloves. I guess the reason is pretty obvious, the other types of gloves have a warm material but it just is not enough to match up to the extra cold winter season. PlusHeat’s heated glove emits even heat to make sure that my hands are comfortable even while I am staying outside in the winter snow.

At first I was a bit worried that it would be too hot for my taste but I was delighted that it comes with a temperature controller. I usually set mine to medium so it is warm enough to keep me comfortable but not too hot to burn my skin. I just make sure that I charge it every night before I go to bed and it is all ready to be used in the morning.
Apparently layering is not the secret to having warm hands. All it takes is the right pair of gloves which in my case is PlusHeat’s heated gloves. I can say goodbye to clumsy winter hands for good!